
How To Migrate From SD-WAN To SASE

Migrate From SD-WAN To SASE

As digital transformation continues to sweep across industries, enterprise network requirements are experiencing a shift.

Traditional networking strategies are evolving to cater for modern, cloud-first business needs. Enter Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), which combines the agility of SD-WAN with robust security functionalities.

If your enterprise is contemplating a transition, you might be asking, “How do I migrate from SD-WAN to SASE?”. Well, we’ve got your back. This blog aims to guide you through a seamless migration process.

Migrate From SD-WAN To SASE 2

Understanding the Evolution

Before diving into the migration details, it’s important to understand why this transition is required. SD-WAN brought forth flexibility in connecting distributed enterprise environments. SASE, on the other hand, adds a critical layer by integrating security functionalities right into the network architecture. This convergence ensures efficient traffic management and heightened security, central to modern business operations.

Follow our step-by-step guide for an overview on how to migrate from SD-WAN to SASE.

1. Comprehensive Assessment

The project should begin with an exhaustive understanding of your existing SD-WAN setup. This assessment should cover:

  • Current SD-WAN configurations
  • Deployed security tools and solutions
  • Performance metrics and any identified bottlenecks
  • Compatibility checks with potential SASE solutions

2. Define Clear Migration Objectives

Each business has its unique set of challenges and goals. When thinking about how to migrate from SD-WAN to SASE, it’s important to set clear migration objectives. Whether it’s achieving superior connectivity, enhancing security postures or a combination of both, these goals will dictate the migration approach.

3. Vendor Selection

The market is brimming with SASE providers, each offering their blend of features and services. When migrating from SD-WAN to SASE, selecting the right vendor is an important consideration. Factors to consider include:

  • Range of security services on offer
  • Global reach and network performance guarantees
  • Integration capabilities with existing infrastructure
  • Post-deployment support and training opportunities

4. Phased Deployment Approach

Any significant network transition comes with its set of challenges. To ensure business continuity, adopt a phased deployment approach:

  • Initial Phase: Integrate foundational SASE capabilities with the SD-WAN setup, ensuring minimal service disruption.
  • Intermediate Phase: Incrementally introduce advanced security features, consistently monitoring performance.
  • Final Phase: Complete the transition to a fully integrated SASE environment.

5. Continuous Training and Skill Upgradation

Understanding how to migrate from SD-WAN to SASE is not merely a technical challenge; it also necessitates upskilling the team managing the transition. Regular training sessions and workshops can ensure your team can navigate the complexities of SASE efficiently.

6. Monitoring and Iteration

Once the migration is in progress or completed, continuous monitoring is crucial. Real-time monitoring tools can help:

  • Quickly identify any teething issues
  • Adjust configurations for optimal performance
  • Keep adapting based on evolving business requirements

7. Ensuring Robust Security Protocols

Migrating to SASE inherently means a heightened emphasis on security. Regularly updating and reviewing security policies ensures compliance with the latest industry standards, protecting the business from emerging threats.

8. Leverage Expert Consultation

Even with a robust in-house team, seeking expert consultation can be invaluable. Networking professionals provide insights, best practices and guidance on how to migrate from SD-WAN to SASE, ensuring a smooth transition.

9. Keeping Abreast with Industry Developments

Post-migration, it’s essential to stay updated with the latest in SASE advancements and best practices. Regularly revisiting your SASE strategy can ensure that you continue to harness its full potential.

Future proof your organisation with SASE

How to migrate from SD-WAN to SASE is a question many forward-looking enterprises are currently grappling with.

This migration is not just a trend; it’s a strategic move that promises streamlined operations in a cloud-centric world. Through meticulous planning, continuous monitoring and leveraging expert insights, businesses can ensure a seamless migration, setting themselves up for a future of enhanced connectivity and security.

If you would like to know more about how Connected Networks can help you migrate from SD-WAN to SASE, contact a member of the Connected Networks team today.